Ask yourself…
Have you ever felt sick before a presentation or been so nervous that you can’t hear a word you say?
Do you often struggle to find the right words at the right time and choose to stay quiet instead?
Do you have an amazing idea that you want to ‘sell’ to the world yet you struggle to articulate your offering?
Would you simply like to be able to run a meeting effectively and efficiently or conduct a performance review without fear?
Is your dream to stand on stages and inspire yet you don’t know where to begin?
Then, you have come to the right place. You can be assured that your fears can be overcome and that you or your team will be cared for and coached into confidence. Clear, concise, compelling communication is within your reach – if are you prepared to listen, learn and practise?
Are you prepared to listen, learn and practise?
Warren Buffett tells people that their most valuable asset isn’t stocks and shares. He claims that no investment will pay off more than improving your public speaking skills. Buffett talks about overcoming the fear of speaking and says that he displays just one diploma in his office – the one he received from taking a public-speaking course, adding ‘If you can’t talk to people, you’ve got a real problem’.
I love helping people speak for impact – and learn how to truly listen, too!
Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in the presence of a witness.
I facilitate workshops, speak at conferences, contract to organisations and coach individuals, professionally and personally.
Why choose me?
I’ve spoken at dozens of conferences, run hundreds of workshops and helped thousands of people ‘find their voice’, refine their pitch, present their proposal, lead their team, present for impact and even make peace with their partner.
When you engage me to develop your speaking skills, you benefit from my extensive corporate experience in senior international marketing positions working throughout Europe, Middle East and Africa.
You also benefit from my business and personal coaching background extending more than twenty-five years – focusing on leadership, communication and personal mastery.