Your sub-conscious cannot distinguish the difference between reality and the words you speak.
When you say, “I would probably like to try to increase my turnover by 15% next year” your sub-conscious hears that you are not at all serious.
Contrast that to an entrant in the Business Awards I recently judged, when asked about his goals for this financial year said, “We are all committed to a 20% increase in turnover by Oct 2018 with a projected profit of $x”. My sense tells me he and his team will hit those targets.
When I asked a client in a coaching session last week when they were scheduling a particular piece of work, her response was, “Maybe we will try and do it in the third week of November”. We soon corrected that statement.
If you ask someone to do something and their reply is “I will try and do it this week”, are they serious? No.
If you say to yourself “I will complete this blog by 8pm”, your commitment level to yourself is solid.
People feel secure around people who are clear and concise. Children pick up very quickly if mum says “You can have a treat after you have eaten all your vegetables’ vs. “If you try to eat up all your veges, maybe I’ll give you a treat after dinner”. Why would the child bother?
Clear, concise, precise communication is compelling and effective.
Tune in this week to all those superfluous, inconsequential words that you use and cut them out of your vocabulary…. you will be more effective and you will find that people listen to you with greater respect.